BIMR5 Magic Realm


There are strange goings-on in the Great Forest, as the Swordsman travels early to the Inn, just in time to avoid the shifting of the paths in various parts of the woods. Elf arrives at the Campfire he has recently vacated, and shortly thereafter, Eduinae takes her leave to investigate rumors of a great treasure unearthed at the Pool. The Witch-King flies south for the winter, while the Sorceror heads north. Only the Witch is not overcome with wanderlust, and seems content to bask in her magical energies. The pillaging of the Pool continues, with more treasures, and more curses, handed out. The Captain and his men snooze, overcome by all the diving and partying of the night before. A great and terrible sword is unearthed from the Crypt, while the Wizard studies a glowing grey orb, seemingly filled with the light of the moon.

In the evening, incantations fill the Pool cavern, as the Magician renews his bright lights, to the grumblings of those trying to sleep. Off in the corner, the Wizard peers into his ball and watches as rain-clouds and clear skies alternate in its depths. The muttering grows louder and both the Magician and the Wizard decide to make a graceful exit, all the better to find a quiet place to rest tomorrow. Meanwhile off in the Ruins of the Lost City, the Witch-King easily defeats his Demon nemesis by simply absorbing it into his very being.


Monster Roll: 2
Serpents, Demons, and Ghosts are prowling


Ogre follows Elf
Company and Rogues follow Swordsman

Swordsman (LW5)
S/M MW5/M NW5/M DV2/*M DV5
- CHQ gives L4/M6 Workhorse to Swordsman
- Swordsman places Spear and Medium Bow on pack horse
Loots treasure pile (2,6) finds and activates Deft Gloves
Moves to MW5
Moves to NW5
Moves to DV2
*Moves to DV5
Nothing arrives

Elf (NW4)
Moves to NW2
*Hides (3,3)
Moves to LW4
Enchants Linden Woods using Magic III3* and gold Magic III4*
- Magic III4* fatigues
Moves to LW5
Nothing arrives

Hides (2,2)
Caches Silver Breastplate
Moves to LD3
Moves to OW4
Nothing arrives

Peers (1,1) finds hidden enemies
Peers (3,6) finds nothing
Peers (5,6) finds nothing
Peers (3,2) finds hidden enemies

Witch (NW4)
Rests Magic V5*
Enchants Magic V5* to black
Enchants Nut Woods with Magic II2* and grey Magic II3*
- Magic II3* fatigues
Nothing arrives

Witch-King (LD6)
Flies to DV
Flies to CV
Flies to RU
- Lands in RU1
- Broomstick expires, Magic V3* fatigues
Doesn't hide (6,2)
Turns up Smoke C, Lost City, Patter 5, Altar 1, Cairns 5, Vault 3, Lair 3
Demon arrives at the Altar and blocks Witch-King

Magician (BL6)
*Hides (3,2)
Loots Pool (5,1) finds nothing
Loots Pool (6,4) finds nothing
Nothing arrives

*H/H/H (no orders received)
Hides (4,4)
Already hidden
Already hidden
Nothing arrives

Wizard (BL6)
- Receives Book of Lore from Magician and activates it
- Gives Magician some gold
*Reads Runes on Book of Lore (5) receives Curse of (6,2) Disgust
Reads Runes on Book of Lore (4) awakens a Spell
- Gives Book of Lore back to Magician, who activates it
Loots Pool (1,2) finds and activates Eye of the Moon
- Fatigues Fight M3*
Nothing arrives

Amazon (BL6)
*Hides (2,1)
Loots the Pool (2,4) finds nothing
Loots the Pool (3,3) finds Crypt of the Knight
Nothing arrives

White Knight (BL6)
*Hides (2,4)
Loots Crypt of the Knight (4,6) gets Curse of (1,4) Ill Health
- Fatigues Fight T5*
Loots Crypt of the Knight (3,3) finds Bane Sword
- Fatigues Fight T4**
*Cannot rest
Nothing arrives

Captain (BL6)
*H/H/H (no orders received)
*Hides (3,4)
Already hidden
Already hidden
Nothing arrives

Eduinae (LW5)
Moves to LW4
Moves to NW2
Moves to NW4
Moves to OW5


The cave seems somehow dimmer and the Pool damper as the Magician's Blazing Light spell expires. The White Knight and the Wizard gloomily contemplate their new curses, and hope that the Magician can do something to lift their spirits again.

The Witch-King and the Demon warily square off, neither of them sure which is the more frightening or powerful.

The Sorceror, Witch, and Elf spend a quiet evening in their respective parts of the Great Forest, listening to the leaves rustle and wondering which way the paths will go on the morrow.

The Swordsman and his merry band try to convince the rest of the Rogues to join them in their adventures, and many a mug of ale will be downed in the telling of tall tales tonight.



Round 1

Encounter Step
Magician casts Blazing Light using Book of Lore and purple magic from the tile
Wizard uses Eye of the Moon using grey magic from the tile

Melee Step
Magician targets BL6, all characters in BL6 will get an extra phase on Day 10
Wizard sees weather chit for next week

Round 2

Encounter Step
Magician runs away toward BL1 using Move L4
Wizard runs away toward BL1 using Move M5


Round 1

Encounter Step
Witch-King casts Absorb Essence using Magic V3* and black Magic V4*
- Magic V4* chit fatigues

Melee Step
Witch-King targets Demon
Absorb Essence takes effect
- Witch-King turns into Demon
- Magic V3* is dedicated to the spell


Demon returns to Witch-King form