BIMR3 Magic Realm

Day 10

Another fine clear day in the Realm! Bats are prowling, but they have all been exterminated. The characters take advantage of the circumstances to discover and loot treasure sites. The Elf and Black Knight arrive at the top of Mountain, just ahead of the other treasure hunters, the Druid and Berserker, who make camp once more on the slopes. The Black Knight is able to discover the Vault and pass the location on to the Elf before the day is over. The Elf pulls the Lost Keys out of his pocket and gives them to the Black Knight who opens the Vault, but can't pull any treasures out.

Over near the Altar, Inigo Balboa, the SHQ, wanders over to bargain with the Patrol HQ for some item that he has. Despite PHQ's best offer, it turns out that Balboa is just window shopping. At the end of the turn, PHQ is joined by a visitor with Food&Ale who wants to be taken to the Guard house. The Captain returns to the Altar, but finds nothing, while the Wizard takes a treasure, learns a spell, and is joined by a visitor who wants to lead a revolt of the oppressed forest people against the Realm's military. The Witch, transmorphized to a Tremendous Flying Dragon by the Toadstool Circle's Black magic, Reads Runes to learn the Altar's Type II spell, but is struck with Wither and Ill Health curses as she leafs through the runes.

The Amazon pulls a Great Treasure out of the Pool. Unfortunately it is the Cloven Hoof, which activates, spreading Black magic all around and adds 1 to all the die rolls in the clearing. Nevertheless, the White Knight still manages to pull one more treasure out of the Pool, finding the Mouldy Skeleton which materializes the legendary armor treasures -- and curses the White Knight with Ashes. Meanwhile, the Witch King rests, enchants some more color magic, and walks over to have a conversation with his ex-absorbee, the Tremendous Giant.

In combat, the Witch King activates "Absorb Essence" and, as a Tremendous Dragon, undercuts and kills the Tremendous Giant -- his head just outreaching the Giant's club. Inigo Balboa, the SHQ, battles and unhorses the Patrol before combat ends after two rounds without any kills or fatigue.


The Witch's Absorb Essence spell is activated by the Black magic at the Toadstool Circle. The Witch will spend the day in the form of the Tremendous Flying Dragon.



The Berserker follows the Druid.

Monster Roll=6
(Bats are prowling -- but they're all dead. The Visitor/Mission chits are prowling.)


Iftandir, the Elf, at Mountain 6
H*/ M-MN3 / M-MN3 / S / S / S
Fails to hide(6,4)
Moves to Mountain 3.
Searches on Locate Table(6,4). Finds nothing.
Searches on Locate Table(5,2). Finds nothing.
Searches on Locate Table(6,4). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.


Naal Han Artal, the Druid, at Mountain 2
H / MM5 / MM5 / MM6 / MM6
Moves to Mountain 6.
Nothing arrives.


Ur-Berek, the Berserker, at Mountain 2
Berserker follows Druid.
Moves to Mountain 6
Put back on board after Druid's move.
Nothing arrives.


Lothar, the Black Knight, at Mountain 6
H / M-MN3 / M-MN3 / S / S
Fails to hide(6,3)
Moves to Mountain 3.
Searches on Locate Table(4,4). Finds the Vault.
Give location of Vault to Elf.
Receives Lost Keys from Elf and activates them.
Opens door of Vault with Lost Keys and Loots(6,2). Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.

Inigo Balboa, the SHQ, at Ledges 1 (site of Altar)
S / S / M-LE4 / M-EV5 / T
Loots Altar(6,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(6,5). Takes nothing.
Moves to Evil Valley 5.
Attempts to buy item from Patrol(3,1)=PriceX2 on "Friendly" column (since hiring character, Captain, is Friendly with Patrol). No deal, and the PHQ is more than a little upset to find that Inigo has no gold in his pockets!
The Food/Ale arrives at Evil Valley 5, drawn from the Appearance Card by the Patrol HQ.

Ogion, the Wizard, at Ledges 1 (site of Altar)
S / S / S / S / S (3 loots and 2 read runes on Alter)
Loots Altar(6,5). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(6,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(2,1). Takes second treasure in Altar.
Reads Runes using Lore Advantage(2). Learns top Spell at Altar.
Reads Runes using Lore Advantage(4). Awakens top Spell at Altar. Spell moved to bottom of Spells. Wizard learns nothing.
Revolt arrives at Ledges 1, drawn from Appearance Chart by Toadstool Circle.

Valdemort, the Witch King, at Borderland 3
R-V2 / R-V4 / SPX* / SP(Enchant V4) / SP(Enchant IV3) / M-BL2
Rests Magic V2*
Rests Magic V4*
Prepares to cast enchantment.
Enchants Magic V4* to Black magic.
Enchants Magic IV3* to Purple magic.
Moves to Borderland 2.
Blocked by Tremendous Giant.
Nothing arrives.


Blaize, the Amazon, at Cliff 6 (site of Pool)
H / R / S / S / S
Rests Move M3*
Loots Pool(4,3). Finds nothing.
Loots Pool(5,2). Finds nothing.
Loots Pool(3,2). Takes third treasure in Pool, fatiguing Move M3*.
Takes the Cloven Hoof which immediately activates, creates Black magic in Cliff 6, and adds 1 to all die rolls in the clearing.
Nothing arrives.


Captain Alatriste, on pathway between Ledges 1 and Ledges 6
M-LE1 / S / S / S / S
Moves to Ledges 1.
Receives the location of the LE1-LE3 hidden path from Witch.
Loots Altar(5,5). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(4,3). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(6,5). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(6,3). Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.


Crookshanks, the Familiar, at High Pass 6
M-HP3 / M-CN2
Moves to Cavern 2.
Nothing arrives.


Hermione, the Witch, at Ledges 1 (site of Altar)
S / S / S / S / S
Reads Runes using Knowledge Advantage(6,1)-1=5. Curse!(3,1) Witch receives Wither curse. All action chits with asterisks will be fatigued when Witch becomes untransmorphized. Fatigued chits cannot be rested until curse is removed.
Reads Runes using Knowledge Advantage(1,1)-1=0. Cannot learn top Spell at Altar because does not have the correct type III magic chit. Top spell is put on bottom.
Reads Runes using Knowledge Advantage(6,3)-1=5. Curse!(4,1) Witch receives Ill Health curse. Witch cannot execute a Rest phase until curse is removed.
Reads Runes using Knowledge Advantage(4,2)-1=3. Learns top spell (Type II) at Altar. Spell is put on bottom.
Loot Altar(6,1). Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.


The White Knight, at Cliff 6 (site of Pool)
H / R* / S / S / S / S / S*(Magic Spectacles)
Activates Battle Bracelets.
Hides(2,1)+1(Cloven Hoof)=3.
Rests Fight H5*.
Loots Pool(1,1)+1(Cloven Hoof)=2. Takes 2nd treasure in Pool, fatiguing Fight H5*.
Finds Mouldy Skeleton. Gets Curse(4,2)+1 (Cloven Hoof)=5. White Knight receives Ashes curse. Recorded gold is worthless and cannot be spent or given away.
Gold Helmet, Silver Breastplate, and Jade Shield are added to top of treasures in Pool.
Loots Pool(6,1)+1(Cloven Hoof)=7. Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(6,5)+1(Cloven Hoof)=7. Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(6,4)+1(Cloven Hoof)=7. Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(4,2)+1(Cloven Hoof)=5. Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.



The Witch King is unhidden, blocked, and planning bad things for the light-side-up Tremendous Giant.

SHQ, banking on the friendship of his employer, is not battling the Patrol despite PHQ's pique over having his generous offer spurned by the flat-broke Balboa.


The Witch King is unhidden and the Tremendous Giant is light-side-up (H5/5) with his club light-side-up (H6).

Round 1

1. Encounter
a. Luring: none
b. Randon Assignment: none
c. Deployment: none
d. Actions:
Witch King plays Black magic from enchanted Magic V4* (fatigues) to activate Absorb Essence. Witch King immediately turns into Tremendous Dragon, seriously surprising the Tremendous Giant.

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: Witch King/TD targets the Giant
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
Giant goes in CHARGE&THRUST red box. Club goes in DODGE&SWING.
Witch King manevers in Duck and attacks with body in Smash. He plays his head as a separate attack (T4 side up) in Swing.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
Giant repositioning roll=2(middle box unchanged).
Giant body moves to DUCK&SMASH. (Tremendous monsters don't roll for changing tactics.)
Club stays in DODGE&SWING and changes tactics to T4 side(6,3).
(See image)

e. Resolving Attacks:
Witch King/TD body hits by matching directions.
Witch King/TD head hits by undercutting.
Giant body hits by matching directions.
Giant club hits by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm: (in order of weapon length on Round 1)
Witch King/Tremendous Dragon (length=9) hits first, ahead of Giant's club (length=8) and Dragon/Giant bodies (length=0). Witch King/TD head causes Tremendous harm. Tremendous Giant is KILLED. Giant's attack is cancelled.

3. Fatigue Step: none

Combat ends in clearing. Witch King earns 8 Fame and 8 Notoriety.


SHQ is in the clearing with the light-side-up Patrol, PHQ (M4*/3), P1 (L4*/3), and P2 (M5*/3). Patrol horses are all light side up (walking).

Round 1

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: SHQ lures P2 onto his sheet.
Patrol begins to battle the Captain and all of his hirelings for the rest of the day.
b. Random Assignment: Since Captain is not in clearing, PHQ and P1 are assigned to attack SHQ.
c. Deployment: none.
d. Actions: none

2. Melee Step
All Patrol Horses flip to dark (galluping) side.
a. Selecting Targets: Captain selects P2 as target for SHQ. P2 is put into maneuver square, SHQ goes in CHARGE&THRUST red box, PHQ and P1 are placed in Attack Circles as extra attackers.
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P2 goes in Charge maneuver box with his horse in the Dodge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
P1 goes in Swing Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P2 repositioning roll=2(middle box unchanged). P2 moves to Duck and doesn't change tactics(1,1). P2's horse stays in Dodge(H6).
Attacker repositioning roll=4(no change).
PHQ stays in Thrust and doesn't change tactics(2,2)
P1 stays in Swing and doesn't change tactics(3,2)
Horses stay in Smash.
(See image.)

e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ hits P2 by undercutting the P2's horse's movement time=6.
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm: (In order of weapon length in Round 1.)
SHQ (length=8) hits first, inflicting Tremendous harm + one sharpness star = Tremendous+ damage on P2's horse. P2's horse is KILLED.
PHQ and P1 hit next. PHQ inflicts Medium harm + one sharpness star - one sharpness star for hitting armor = Medium harm. SHQ, with Heavy vulnerability is not harmed. P1 inflicts Light harm + one sharpness star - one sharpness star for armor = Light harm. SHQ is not harmed.
P2 hits next, inflicting Medium harm + one sharpness star - one sharpness star for armor = Medium harm. SHQ is not harmed.

3. Fatigue Step: none

PHQ, P1, and P2, all light-side-up, remain assigned to SHQ.


Round 2

1. Encounter Step
Patrol horses turn light-side-up
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment: none
d. Actions: none

2. Melee Step
Patrol horses turn dark-side-up
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects P2 as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P2 goes in Charge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
P1 goes in Swing Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P2 repositioning roll=2(middle box unchanged). P2 moves to Duck and doesn't change tactics(4,1).
Attacker repositioning roll=5(move down).
PHQ moves to Swing and doesn't change tactics(5,1)
P1 moves to Smash and changes tactics to M4*/4(6,4)
Horses move to Thrust.
(See image.)

e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ misses
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none

PHQ (light-side-up), P1 (dark-side-up), and P2 (light-side-up) remain assigned to SHQ.


Round 3

1. Encounter Step: none

2. Melee Step
Patrol horses turn dark-side-up
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects P1 as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P1 goes in Charge maneuver box, horse goes in Dodge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
P2 goes in Swing Attack Circle.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P1 repositioning roll=4(no change). P1 stays in Charge and doesn't change tactics(4,2). Horse stays in Dodge.
Attacker repositioning rolls are irrelevant.
e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ hits by undercutting P1's horse
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
SHQ inflicts Tremendous+ harm on P1's horse. P1's horse is KILLED.
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none


Round 4

1. Encounter Step: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects P1 as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P1 goes in Charge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
P2 goes in Swing Attack Circle.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P1 repositioning roll=6(move up). P1 moves to Duck and doesn't change tactics(5,1).
Attacker repositioning rolls are irrelevant.
e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ misses
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none


Round 5

1. Encounter Step: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects PHQ as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
PHQ goes in Charge maneuver box, horse goes in Dodge maneuver box.
P1 goes in Thrust Attack Circle with horse in Smash.
P2 goes in Swing Attack Circle.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
PHQ repositioning roll=1(left box unchanged). PHQ stays in Charge and changes tactics(6,1). Horse moves to Duck.
Attacker repositioning rolls are irrelevant.
e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ hits by undercutting PHQ's horse
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
SHQ inflicts Tremendous+ harm on PHQ's horse. PHQ's horse is KILLED.
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none


Round 6

1. Encounter Step: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects P2 as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P2 goes in Charge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle.
P1 goes in Swing Attack Circle.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P2 repositioning roll=6(move riight). P2 moves to Dodge and doesn't change tactics(3,2).
Attacker repositioning rolls are irrelvant.
e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ misses.
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none


Round 7

1. Encounter Step: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: SHQ selects P2 as target
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
On SHQ's sheet:
Captain places SHQ light-side-up(T4*/6) in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
P2 goes in Charge maneuver box.
PHQ goes in Thrust Attack Circle.
P1 goes in Swing Attack Circle.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
SHQ doesn't reposition or change tactics because he is on his own sheet.
P2 repositioning roll=6(move left). P2 moves to Smash and doesn't change tactics(5,4).
Attacker repositioning rolls are irrelevant
e. Resolving attacks:
SHQ misses.
PHQ, P1, and P2 hit by undercutting.
f. Inflicting Harm:
None of the Patrol attacks harm the Heavy and armored SHQ.

3. Fatigue Step: none

Combat ends after two rounds with nothing killed and no fatigue or armor damage.



The Witch King's "Absorb Essence" spell falls inert and the Witch King returns to his usual form.
The Witch's "Absorb Essence" spell remains activated by Black magic from the Toadstool Circle.


Day 11 Daylight Orders due Friday at 5pm EDT

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Tile Reference
Blank Setup Card
Evening Flowcharts
3rd Edition Rules
Least You Need to Know
Magic Primer

Hireling Hired By Through
Day 15

Afflicted with
Ill Health
White Knight

The Adventurers
Player Character F N
Tony Rowe
Lothar, the BLACK KNIGHT
Bill Skulley
Iftandir, the ELF
8 8
Alan Busby
Ogion, the WIZARD
Matija Vidmar
CAPTAIN Alatriste
11 11
Al D'Amico
Voldemort, the WITCH KING
38 38
Chuck Shrader
Naal Han Artal, the DRUID
Michael Roden
Ur-Berek, the BERSERKER
Bobby Bissett
Hermione, the WITCH and Crookshanks, her FAMILIAR
31 26
James McCann
8 8
Mark Mitchell
Blaize, the AMAZON

Season is AUTUMN
Brightly colored leaves on frosty mornings...

Mountains: 2 phases to enter
7th Day: PURPLE magic
FOOD to GUARD house (L Camp)
ESCORT to GUARD house(S Camp)
Reward: 2 GOLD per clearing

Week Two Weather is AUTUMN SUMMER
7 Days this Week
• 2 Basic Phases
• 3 Sunlight Phases

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