BIMR3 Magic Realm

Day 20


The Wizard moves into High Pass, enchants the tile, and turns up Cairns, complete with a Tremendous Spider. The Captain and SHQ empty out the pile of abandoned items at the Inn, and the Witch tries out her new Crystal Ball to remotely enchant Linden Woods while the Escort Party and Food/Ale guys are nearly beside themselves: "We'll never get to the Guard house in time now!" they moan. The White Knight bumps into a tree trying to use a path he thought he'd found, the Pilgrim learns a spell at the Statue, the Amazon gallops halfway over the board on her pony, the Witch King moves into Borderlands, and the Druid finds himself in the same clearing with the hidden Black Knight armed with the Living Sword! In combat, the Druid communes with nature and the Black Knight chooses not to attack him from out of the trees.


No followers today.



Monster roll=5
Spiders, Imp, Bashkars, and Ghosts are prowling--what's left of them.


Brother Matthew, the Pilgrim, at Deep Woods 2 (site of Statue)
S / SPX / SP / M-DW5 / M-DW3
Reads Runes at Statue(1). Learns top spell. Top spell is moved to bottom.
Prepares to do enchantment.
Enchants Magic I6* to White magic
Moves to Deep Woods 3.
Nothing arrives.

Ogion, the Wizard, at Linden Woods 4
H / M-HP2 / M-HP2 / SPX / SP
Fails to hide(6,3).
Moves to High Pass 2
Enchants High Pass tile with Magic II3* and Grey magic from enchanted Magic II4* (fatigues).
At end of turn, reveals chits Cairns 5 and Smoke M.
Tremendous Spider appears at High Pass 5 from Appearance Chart, drawn by Cairns

The White Knight, at Mountain 6
S / S / S / S / S* (Magic Spectacles) / M-MN4
Searches on Peer table(4,2). Finds hidden enemies.
Searches on Peer table(5,1). Finds clues.
Searches on Peer table(5,5). Finds clues.
Searches on Peer table(5,4). Finds clues.
Searches on Peer table(6,2). Finds nothing.
Can't move to Mountain 4 along undiscovered path.
Nothing arrives.
"Jeeze, I was sure I knew where that path was!"

Iftanrel, the Elf, at Deep Woods 6
H* / A / S / S / S / M-CV4
Alerts Light Bow.
Searches on Peer table(6,5). Finds nothing.
Searches on Peer table(3,1). Finds hidden enemies and paths DW6-DW3 and DW6-DW4.
Searches on Peer table(1,1). Finds choice. Nothing left to find.
Moves Curst Valley 4.
Nothing arrives.

Crookshanks, the Familiar, at Curst Valley 5 (site of Inn)
S / S / S / S / S
Peers(6,6). Finds nothing.
Peers(3,2). Finds hidden enemies.
Peers(6,2). Finds nothing.
Peers(6,2). Finds nothing.
Peers(6,1). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.

Hermione, the Witch, at Curst Valley 5 (site of Inn)
R (Magic V6*) / SPX / SP / SP / S
Rest Magic V6*
Prepares to do enchantment.
Enchants Magic V6* to Black Magic.
Activates Crystal Ball.
Does Spell phase in Linden Woods using Magic II2* and Grey magic from Curst Valley tile to enchant Linden Woods.
Loots pile of abandoned items(6,6). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.
"When are we going to the Guard house? It's been nearly two weeks!" the Escort Party complain.

Inigo Balboa, the SHQ, at Curst Valley 5 (site of Inn)
S / S / S / S / S
Loots pile of abandoned items(2,1). Takes second treasure in pile.
Gives treasure to Captain.
Loots pile of abandoned items(6,1). Finds nothing.
Loots pile of abandoned items(5,2). Finds nothing.
Loots pile of abandoned items(6,2). Finds nothing.
Loots pile of abandoned items(5,3). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.

Blaize, the Amazon
H / R / M-BV5 / M-BV2 (pony) / M-AV4 / M-MW4 (pony) / M-MW2 / M-CV4 (pony) / M-DW6* (stamina) / M-DW2* (pony)
Fails to hide (6,6)
Rest Fight M4*.
Gallops to Deep Woods 2.
Nothing arrives.

Lothar, the Black Knight
H / M-LW5 / M-DW6 / M-CV4 / M-MW2 / M-MW4 *(workhorse)
Moves to Maple Woods 4
Nothing arrives.

Valdemort, the Witch King
Here are my orders for Day 20:
R-V2 / SPX / SP*(Enchant V2) / S / M-MW4 / M-MW2*(Pony) / M-BL2 / M-BL3*(Pony)
Rest Magic V2*
Prepares to do enchantment.
Enchants Magic V2* to Black magic.
Searches with Magic Sight(5,1). Discovers chits.
Moves to Borderland 3.
Nothing arrives.

Naal Han Artal, the Druid
M-AV4 / M-MW4 / R (Magic II3*) / R (Magic II3*)
Moves to Maple Woods 4.
Rests Magic II3*
Rests Magic II3*
Rests Move L3*
Nothing arrives.

Captain Alatriste
S* / S / S / S / S / S
Activates Phantom Glass and Handy Gloves.
Searches using Magic Sight(3,1). Treasure cards. Takes top Treasure card from abandoned items. Finds hidden enemies with Treasure cards.
Searches using Magic Sight(2,1). Counters. Finds hidden enemies with weapon, armor, or horse counters.
Searches using Magic Sight(5,1). Discovers chits.
Searches using Magic Sight(3,3). Treasure cards. No treasures left in pile.
Searches using Magic Sight(5,4). Discovers chits.
Searches using Magic Sight(6,6). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.


Maple Woods 4
Druid is unhidden in clearing with hidden Black Knight

Curst Valley 5
The Witch and her Familiar, the Captain and his Soldiers, and the unhappy Escort Party and Food/Ale guys are in the clearing.


Maple Woods 4

Round 1

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment/Charging: none
d. Actions:
Black Knight alerts Living Sword
Druid does not do any actions

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets (random order)
The Druid goes first and cannot select a target because he can't see anyone.
The Black Knight does not select a target.

3. Fatigue Step:none

Round 2

No activities

Combat ends in clearing.

Curst Valley 5

The Captain gives the Phantom Glass and another treasure to the Witch. The Witch deactivates the Phantom Glass.

Combat ends.



Day ends. All weapons become unalerted. The characters sleep peacefully and dream of quiet valleys while the wind brings in Purple magic and the denizens are on the move.


Day 21 Daylight Orders are due Monday at 9pm EST. Day 21 is a monster regeneration day. There is Purple magic in every clearing!

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Tile Reference
Blank Setup Card
Evening Flowcharts
3rd Edition Rules
Least You Need to Know
Magic Primer

Hireling Hired By Through
Day 28

Afflicted with
White Knight

Spell in Effect
Witch King
"Absorb Essence"
Witch King
"Melt into Mist"
"Absorb Essence"
"Wish for Strength"
Witch King
"World Fades"

The Adventurers
Player Character F N
Tony Rowe
Lothar, the BLACK KNIGHT
Bill Skulley
Iftanrel, the ELF
Alan Busby & Craig Perras
Ogion, the WIZARD
Matija Vidmar
CAPTAIN Alatriste
11 10
Al D'Amico
Voldemort, the WITCH KING
41 270
Chuck Shrader
Naal Han Artal, the DRUID
Ed Hoden
Brother Matthew the Basher, a PILGRIM
Bobby Bissett
Hermione, the WITCH and Crookshanks, her FAMILIAR
26 313
James McCann & Aaron Brewster
24 24
Mark Mitchell
Blaize, the AMAZON

Season is AUTUMN
Brightly colored leaves on frosty mornings...

Mountains: 2 phases to enter
7th Day: PURPLE magic
FOOD to GUARD house (L Camp)
ESCORT to GUARD house(S Camp)
Reward: 2 GOLD per clearing

Week Three Weather is AUTUMN SUMMER
7 Days this Week
• 2 Basic Phases
• 3 Sunlight Phases

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