BIMR3 Magic Realm

Day 24


The Pilgrim reaches the Cairns and is instantly blocked by the Tremendous Spider. Later in the day the Wizard drops out of the sky and is blocked as well. Meanwhile, the Black Knight and the Witch King appear to be on their way to join the party. The White Knight trudges on, carrying the Golden Icon toward the Chapel, and the Amazon activates her Spear and cautiously enters Borderland, sniffing the air for Goblin stench, and watching and listening for the slither of Snakes. Imameen Elf-Slayer, a new Druid, begins at the Inn and, following the tracks of the Elf, moves into Deep Woods, intent on revenge. The Elf pauses outside the caves to rest back his Move and Fight chits to be ready for the relentless Druid. The Witch, guarded from hiding by her friend the Captain and his hired men, finally gets the hang of the Phantom Glass and learns the Type VIII spell at the Statue.

Combat passes peacefully in Deep Wood 2 as none of the characters elect to do any activities or select any targets. In the meantime, in High Pass 5 the Tremendous Spider walks into one of the truly awesome forces in the game--the Pilgrim with his Fight M2** Staff and a Wish for Strength--and is undercut and annihilated instantly in Round 1.



Soldiers follow SHQ


Monster Roll=1
(Dragons are prowling--those that are still alive!)

Imameen Elf-Slayer, the Druid, at Awful Valley 5, site of Inn
H / MLW5 / MDW6 / MDW2
Moves to Deep Woods 2
Nothing arrives.

Lothar, the Black Knight, at Linden Woods 4
A / M-HP2 / M-HP2 / M-HP4 / M-HP4* (workhorse)
Alerts Living Sword
Moves to High Pass 4
Nothing arrives.

Valdemort, the Witch King, at Awful Valley 4
R-V2 / M-MW4 / M-MW2* (Pony) / M-CV4 / M-DW6*(Pony) / M-LW5 / M-LW4*(Pony)
Rest Magic V2*
Moves to Linden Woods 4
Nothing arrives.

Iftanrel, the Elf
H* / R / R / R / R
Rests Move L2*
Rests Move L3*
Rests Fight L3*
Rests Fight M3*
Nothing arrives.

Brother Matthew, the Pilgrim, at High Pass 1
H / M-HP5 / M-HP5 / S
Fails to hide(5,6)
Moves to High Pass 5.
Blocked by Tremendous Spider!
Nothing else arrives.

Blaize, the Amazon, at Maple Woods 2
H / H / R / A / M-BL2* (stamina) / M-BL3* (pony)
Activates Spear, deactivates Ax.
Fails to hide(6,2).
Rests Fight M4*
Alerts Spear
Moves to Borderland 3
NOthing arrives.

The White Knight, at Mountain 5
M-M2 / M-M4 / M-BL2 / M-MW2
Moves to Maple Woods 2
Nothing arrives.

Captain Alatriste, at Deep Wood 2, site of Statue
H / H / H / S (for hidden enemies)
Remaining Hide Phase canceled.
Searches on Peer Table(2,2). Finds clues and paths.
Nothing arrives.

Inigo Balboa, the SHQ, at Deep Wood 2, site of Statue
H / H / H / S (for hidden enemies)
Fails to hide(6,2).
Fails to hide(6,5).
Searches on Peer Table(1,1). Choice. Finds Hidden Enemies and Paths.
Nothing arrives.

Ogion, the Wizard, in midair, between High Pass and Linden Woods
H / H / H / H (no orders received)
Lands at random (5) in High Pass 5
Blocked by Tremendous Spider.
Nothing else arrives.

Crookshanks, the Familiar, at Deep Woods 2, site of Statue
S / S / S / S
Searches on Peer Table(3,1). Finds hidden enemies and paths.
Searches on Peer Table(5,3). Finds clues.
Searches on Peer Table(4,1). Finds hidden enemies.
Searches on Peer Table(5,1). Finds clues.
Nothing arrives.

Hermione, the Witch, at Deep Woods 2, site of Statue
S / S / S / S
Searches using Magic Sight from Phantom Glass(5,1). Discovers chits. Already knows location of Statue.
Searches using Magic Sight from Phantom Glass(4,3). Perceive Spell. Learns Type VIII spell at Statue. Finds hidden enemies with recorded spells.
Activates Hidden Ring.
Searches using Magic Sight from Phantom Glass(6,6). Finds nothing.
Searches using Magic Sight from Phantom Glass(6,3). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.



High Pass 5
The unhidden Wizard and Pilgrim are blocked by the Tremendous Spider. But the Pilgrim has a Wish for Strength active!

Deep Woods 2
The Druid, Captain, and Soldiers are all hidden in the clearing. The Druid can be seen by the SHQ and by the Witch whose Magic Sight gives her the location of all characters with recorded spell. It also helps that her familiar is rubbing up against the Druid's legs!



High Pass 5

Round 1

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: Pilgrim lures T Spider
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment/Charging: none
d. Actions: none

2. Encounter Step
a. Selecting Targets: Pilgrim targets T Spider
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
T Spider goes in CHARGE&THRUST on Pilgrim's sheet
Pilgrim plays Staff with Fight M2** in Smash, maneuvers with Move M5 in Duck.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics
Spider repositioning Roll=6(move up)
T Spider moves to DUCK&SMASH. Tremendous monsters don't roll to change tactics.
(see image)

e. Resolving Attacks:
Spider and Pilgrim both hit by undercutting and matching directions
f. Inflicting Harm:
Pilgrim's Staff hits first due to length advantage, inflicting Tremendous harm due to "Wish for Strength." T Spider is KILLED. Pilgrims "Wish for Strength" expires.

3. Fatigue Step
Pilgrim fatigues Fight M3* to pay for two Fight asterisks played.

Pilgrim earns 6 Fame and 6 Notoriety for killing T Spider.


Deep Woods 2

The evening passes uneventfully as no character charges, deploys, does any action, or selects a target.


All weapons become unalerted.

Day 25 Daylight Orders are due Thursday at 9pm EST.

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Tile Reference
Blank Setup Card
Evening Flowcharts
3rd Edition Rules
Least You Need to Know
Magic Primer

Hireling Hired By Through
Day 28

Afflicted with
White Knight

Spell in Effect
Witch King
"Absorb Essence"
Witch King
"Melt into Mist"
"Absorb Essence"
Witch King
"World Fades"

The Adventurers
Player Character F N
Tony Rowe
Lothar, the BLACK KNIGHT
Bill Skulley
Iftanrel, the ELF
Alan Busby & Craig Perras
Ogion, the WIZARD
Matija Vidmar
CAPTAIN Alatriste
51 15
Al D'Amico
Voldemort, the WITCH KING
41 276
Chuck Shrader
Imameen Elf-Slayer , the DRUID
Ed Hoden
Brother Matthew the Basher, a PILGRIM
6 6
Bobby Bissett
Hermione, the WITCH and Crookshanks, her FAMILIAR
26 318
James McCann & Aaron Brewster
32 32
Mark Mitchell
Blaize, the AMAZON
8 26

Season is AUTUMN
Brightly colored leaves on frosty mornings...

Mountains: 2 phases to enter
7th Day: PURPLE magic
FOOD to GUARD house (L Camp)
ESCORT to GUARD house(S Camp)
Reward: 2 GOLD per clearing

Week Four Weather is COOL
7 Days this Week
• 2 Basic Phases
• 2 Sunlight Phases

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