BIMR3 Magic Realm

Day 9

Serpents and Demons come out to play! The Captain rediscovers the Toadstool Circle at the Altar and attracts a Tremendous Demon which blocks him, SHQ, the Wizard, and the Witch, who has been transmorphized into a Tremendous Flying Dragon by the Black magic from the Toadstool Circle. Over in High Pass, the Witch's Familiar has found some interesting clues. The Witch King tiptoes in underneath the Tremendous Dragon's feet, attracts two Heavy Serpents, and then leaps out of hiding to block the Serpents and the surprised Dragon. The elusive Druid hides and, with the Berserker following and trying to make himself as unobtrusive as possible, sneaks past the Tremendous Troll into the mountains. The White Knight and the Amazon spend a nearly fruitless day diving into the Pool, and the Elf and Black Knight close in on the Vault -- but how are they going to open it without a Tremendous chit?

In the evening, the Witch King has Serpents and a Tremendous Dragon to deal with, and the Witch/TFD Captain, and Wizard are face-to-face (do Demons have faces?) with a Demon.

In combat, the Witch King absorbs the essence of the Tremendous Dragon on Round 1, letting the Heavy Serpents bounce harmlessly off his armored hide, and then turns on them and eliminates both Serpents in two quick rounds. Over at the Altar, the Captain's hired hands lure the Demon, survive a Power of the Pit attack without a scratch, and SHQ polishes off the Demon with his Great Sword attack just before the Witch/TFD's head stikes true.


The Witch's "Absorb Essence" spell is energized by Black magic from the Toadstool Circle. The Witch will go through the day as a Tremendous Flying Dragon.



Monster Roll=2
(Serpents and Demons make their appearance! The Woodfolk and, as usual, Ghosts are prowling.)

Black Knight Follows Elf
Berserker Follows Druid

Captain Alatriste (at Ledges 6, site of Hoard)
M-LE1 / S / S / S / S
Moves to Ledges 1
Gives treasure to Witch
Receives location of Altar and Toadstool Circle from SHQ
Witch and Wizard learn location of Toadstool Circle by spying.
Loots Altar(6,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(4,2). Takes 4th treasure in Altar--Toadstool Circle. (Already received location from SHQ.)
Loots Altar(5,4). Takes nothing.
Loots Altar(6,5). Takes nothing.
At end of turn, Demon appears at Altar from Appearance Chart and blocks Captain, SHQ, Witch/TFD, and Wizard.

Inigo Balboa, the SHQ (at Ledges 1, site of Altar)
S / S / S / S / S
Blocked by Demon!

Valdemort, the Witch King (on roadway between DW2 and BL2)
M-MW2 / H / H / M-BL2 / M-BL3
Moves to Maple Woods
Cancels second Hide
Moves underneath the T Dragon's tail in Borderlands 3.
At the end of the turn, two Heavy Serpents move from Appearance Chart to BL3 and join the party!
The Witch King blocks the two Serpents and the Tremendous Dragon, becoming unhidden.

Crookshanks, the Witch's Familiar, at High Pass 6
Searches on Peer Table(4,1). Finds Hidden Enemies.
Searches on Peer Table(5,3). Finds Clues.
Nothing arrives.

Hermione, the Witch (at Ledges 1, site of Altar)
S / S / S / S / S
Blocked by Demon.

Naal Han Artal, the Druid (at Maple Woods 2)
H / R / MBL2 / MM4 / MM2
Rests Magic II3*
Moves to Mountain 2.
Nothing arrives.

Ur-Berek, the Berserker (at Maple Woods 2)
Follow Druid (Rests Fight T6*)
Rests Fight T6* from wounded to fatigued
Moves to Mountain 2
Nothing arrives.

The White Knight (at Cliff 6, site of Pool)
R* / R / S / S / S / S
Rests back Fight H4**
Loots Pool(6,3). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(5,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(5,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(3,3). Takes 3rd treasure in Pool. Fatigues ?
Nothing arrives.

Iftandir, the Elf (at Evil Valley 4)
H* / R / M-MN5 / M-MN5 / M-MN6 / M-MN6
Fails to hide(6,4).
Rests Magic III4*.
Moves to Mountain 6.
Nothing arrives.

Lothar, the Black Knight (at Evil Valley 4)
Follow Elf
Fails to hide.
Rests Fight M4*.
Moves to Mountain 6.
Put on board after Elf ends move.
Nothing arrives.

Ogion, the Wizard (at Ledges 1, site of Altar)
H / S / S / S / S
Blocked by Tremendous Demon.
Nothing else arrives.

Blaize, the Amazon (at Cliff 6, site of Pool)
H / S / S / S / S /
Loots Pool(5,2). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(5,1). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(6,3). Takes nothing.
Loots Pool(4,4). Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.


Captain, Witch, Wizard and Soldiers are unhidden in the clearing, blocked by the Tremendous Demon.

The Witch King is unhidden after blocking the Tremendous Dragon and two Heavy Serpents



The Witch King faces off, unarmed and unhidden, against the red-side-down Tremendous Dragon (H5/6; head H4) and two light-side-up Heavy Serpents (M4/3).

Round 1

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: T Dragon and both H Serpents are assigned to attack the Witch King.
c. Deployment: none
d. Actions: The Witch King casts "Absorb Essence" with Magic V3* (committed to spell) and Black magic from enchanted Magic V4* (fatigues).

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: Witch King targets the Tremendous Dragon
b. Spell Effects: 'Absorb Essence" takes effect. The Witch King assumes the Tremendous Dragon's form.
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
The Witch King/Tremendous Dragon maneuvers in Duck with T Dragon's move speed=6 (and T Dragon's vulnerability=Tremendous and armored!) Witch King is not attacking since he already selected the Dragon as his target for the round.
Serpent1 goes in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
Serpent2 goes in DODGE&SWING red box.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
Serpent repositioning roll=5 (shift down).
Serpent1 moves to DODGE&SWING and doesn't change tactics(4,2).
Serpent2 moves to DUCK&SMASH and doesn't change tactics(3,3).
(see image)

e. Resolving Attacks:
Both Serpents hit by undercutting.
Witch King/T Dragon is not attacking.
f. Inflicting Harm:
The Serpents inflict Medium damage which doesn't affect the Witch King/T Dragon's Tremendous vulnerability.

3. Fatigue Step
None (the Witch King did not play any Fight or Move chits -- he doesn't have any!)

Serpents, light-side-up (M4/3), remain assigned to Witch King.

Round 2

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment: none
d. Actions: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: Witch King targets Serpent1
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
Serpent 1 goes in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
Serpent 2 goes in DODGE&SWING red box.
Witch King maneuvers with T Dragon's move speed 6 in Duck.
Witch King attacks with T Dragon's attack speed H5 in Smash.
Witch King places second attack with T Dragon's head (T4 side up) in Swing.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
Serpent repositioning roll=3(bottom box unchanged).
Serpent1 moves to DODGE&SWING and doesn't change tactics(3,2).
Serpent2 stays in CHARGE&THRUST and doesn't change tactics(5,3).
(see image)

e. Resolving Attacks
Serpent 1 hits by undercutting
Serpent 2 hits by undercutting
Witch King/TD body misses
Witch King/TD head hits
f. Inflicting Harm
Serpents inflict no harm on Witch King/TD's Tremendous vulnerability.
Witch King's head inflicts Tremendous Harm on Serpent 1. Serpent 1 is KILLED.

3. Fatigue Step

Serpents remain assigned, light-side-up, to Witch King.

Round 3

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment: none
d. Actions: none

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: Witch King targets Serpent2
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
Serpent 2 goes in CHARGE&THRUST red box.
Witch King maneuvers with T Dragon's move speed 6 in Duck.
Witch King attacks with T Dragon's attack speed H5 in Smash.
Witch King places second attack with T Dragon's head (T4 side up) in Swing.
d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
Serpent repositioning roll=2(middle box unchanged).
Serpent2 moves to DUCK&SMASH and change3 tactics(6,3).
(see image)

e. Resolving Attacks
Serpent 2 hits by matching directions
Witch King/TD hits by matching directions
Witch King/TD head misses
f. Inflicting Harm
Serpents inflict no harm on Witch King/TD's Tremendous vulnerability.
Witch King/TD body inflicts Heavy harm on Serpent2. Serpent2 is KILLED.

3. Fatigue Step

Witch King gets 4*1 + 4*2 = 12 Fame and 12 Notoriety!

Combat ends in clearing.


Captain, Wizard, Witch (transmorphized to Tremendous Flying Dragon), and Soldiers (SHQ-S3) are all unhidden in the clearing with the light-side-up Tremendous Demon (V2/4).

Round 1

1. Encounter Step
a. Luring: S1 (H6*/4 side up) lures Demon onto his sheet
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment:
Captain assigns SHQ to attack Demon. Demon moves to its own sheet with SHQ as attacker. S1, left along on his own sheet, leaves sheet and becomes the second attacker on the Demon's sheet.
Captain assigns S2 to attack Demon. S2 is stacked on top of SHQ and S1 as attackers on Demon's sheet
Captain assigns S3 to attack Demon. S3 is stacked on top of SHQ, S1, and S2 as the last attacker on the Demon's sheet.
d. Actions: Captain plays Move M4* to run out of clearing toward Ledges 6. He must start Day 10 with a move to either LE1 or LE6.
(see image)

2. Melee Step
a. Selecting Targets: Witch King targets Tremendous Demon. Demon is assigned to attack S3, the last hired native placed on sheet. S3 goes into Charge Maneuver box.
b. Spell Effects: none
c. Attacks/Maneuvers:
Tremendous Demon goes in CHARGE&THRUST box on own sheet.
Captain plays:
S3 in Charge Maneuver box, dark-side-up (H1/4).
SHQ in Thrust Attack Circle, light-side-up (T4*/6)
S1 in Swing Attack Circle, light-side-up (H6*/4)
S2 in Smash Attack Circle, light-side-up (H6*/4)
Witch plays head, red-side-up (T3), in Smash attack circle.
(see image)

d. Repositioning/Change Tactics:
Demon repositioning roll=2 (middle box unchanged). Demon moves to DUCK&SMASH box. (No repositioning roll for Tremendous monsters.)
S3 repositioning roll=4(no change). S3 stays in Charge maneuver box and doesn't change tactics(5,4). Remains H1/4 side up.
Attackers repositioning roll=2(middle box unchanged)
SHQ moves to Smash and doesn't change tactics(3,2). Remains T4*/6 side up.
S1 stays in Swing and changes tactics(6,1). Turns M4*/5 side up.
S2 moves to Thrust and doesn't change tactics. Remains H6*/4 side up.
(See image)

e. Resolving Attacks:
Demon hits S3 by undercutting.
S3 hits Demon by undercutting.
SHQ hits Demon by matching directions.
Witch hits Demon by matching directions and undercutting.
S1, S2 miss.
f. Inflicting Harm: (In order of length in Round 1, with attack speed breaking ties.)
Demon (length=17) hits first, inflicting Power of Pit attack on S3. Power of Pit Table roll(1,6)=Rust. Does not affect S3.
S3 (length=12) hits next. Inflicts H damage+Missile Table roll(3,1)(no change)=Heavy damage. Demon is not harmed.
SHQ (length=8) hits next. Inflicts T damge+one sharpness star=Tremendous(+) damage on Demon. Tremendous Demon is KILLED.
Witch's attack (length=7) is canceled.

3. Fatigue Step: None.

Captain gets 8 Fame and 8 Notoriety.

Combat ends in clearing.

Wizard, after slapping backs and congratulations all round, shows the location of the LE1-LE3 hidden path to Witch/TFD and SHQ.




White Knight activates the Magic Spectacles that he drew out of Pool.



Witch King's "Absorb Essence" spell falls inert, returning Witch King to usual form.
Witch's "Absorb Essence" remains energized by Black magic from Toadstool Circle.


Day 10 Daylight Orders due Tuesday at 9pm EDT

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Tile Reference
Blank Setup Card
Evening Flowcharts
3rd Edition Rules
Least You Need to Know
Magic Primer

Hireling Hired By Through
Day 15

Afflicted with

The Adventurers
Player Character F N
Tony Rowe
Lothar, the BLACK KNIGHT
Bill Skulley
Iftandir, the ELF
8 8
Alan Busby
Ogion, the WIZARD
Matija Vidmar
CAPTAIN Alatriste
11 11
Al D'Amico
Voldemort, the WITCH KING
30 30
Chuck Shrader
Naal Han Artal, the DRUID
Michael Roden
Ur-Berek, the BERSERKER
Bobby Bissett
Hermione, the WITCH and Crookshanks, her FAMILIAR
31 26
James McCann
8 8
Mark Mitchell
Blaize, the AMAZON

Season is AUTUMN
Brightly colored leaves on frosty mornings...

Mountains: 2 phases to enter
7th Day: PURPLE magic
FOOD to GUARD house (L Camp)
ESCORT to GUARD house(S Camp)
Reward: 2 GOLD per clearing

Week Two Weather is AUTUMN SUMMER
7 Days this Week
• 2 Basic Phases
• 3 Sunlight Phases

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