BIMR4 Magic Realm

Day 14

Grey color magic in every clearing today!

A regeneration day causes all the Goblins, Ogres, and the Patrol to be regenerated onto the Appearance Chart, but, perhaps remembering their previous experience, they are cautious and do not appear on the board. The Swordsman retires to Nut Woods to attempt to rehire his Rogues when the Witch King, transmorphized into Flying Demon, drops in. The White Knight and Pilgrim discover the Lost Castle in Cliff where it has lain hidden for eons: the Lair surrounded by many monster sounds. The Dwarf finally locates the Cairns and gives the location to the Captain, who along with his indefatigable GHQ, loots out 5 treasures. Meanwhile the Sorceror sells the Black Book to the Crone, who gives him 50 gold for the treasured volume, and then retires to the Small Campfire to wait for woodland natives. The Black Knight and Berserker, faced with a blank rock wall, look unsuccessfully for the hidden path out of the clearing.

In combat, the characters in Pine Woods do a Marx brothers act, with the Swordsman deploying his natives against the Witch King/Flying Demon and running out of the clearing, followed by closely by the Raq'nyvarkryn who flys away in the other direction leaving the Rogues looking around the clearing wondering where everyone went.

The weather is worsening with Showers turning to steady Rain. Week 3 is shortened to six day, each with 2 basic and 2 sunlight phases. Day 15 is skipped and natives walk off the job all over the board as their contracts run out. O3, R2, R4, R5, R6, R7, and the Guard all roll out their tents and go into retirement.


R1, R6, and R7 follow Berserker
R2, R3 follow Swordsman
G1, G2 follow Captain
O1, O3 follow Pilgrim
O2 follows White Knight


Monster Roll=3
Wolves, Goblins, Ogres, the Octopus, and the Patrol (plus the Ghosts) are prowling today.
Regeneration day means all the Goblins, the Ogres, and the Patrol are regenerated and put back on the appearance chart, so Row 3 of the appearance chart looks like it did when the game began.

Tiago Espadafiada, the SWORDSMAN, at Ledges 4
M-OW2 / M-RU3 / M-RU5 / M-RU1 / M-NW5*(workhorse) / HR / HR*(Sceptre)
Chooses to move first.
Followed by R2 and R3, leaves R4 and R5 behind.
Moves to Nut Woods 5.
Attempts to hire R3(6,6)=no deal.
Attempts to hire R3(2,2)=PriceX2. Hires R3 for 4 gold.
Nothing arrives.

Gondaff, the WIZARD, at Deep Woods 5
S / S / S / S
Searches on Locate Table(6,1). Finds nothing.
Searches on Locate Table(6,3). Finds nothing.
Searches on Locate Table(5,3). Finds nothing.
Searches on Locate Table(2,1). Passages and clues. No passages in the clearing.
Searches on Locate Table(6,4). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.

Rungnir, the BERSERKER, at Ruins 6
M-RU4/ S
Moves to Ruins 4
Searches on Peer Table(4,1). Finds hidden enemies.
Nothing arrives.

Kael, the BLACK KNIGHT, at Ruins 6
M-RU4 / S (Peer for Hidden Path)
Moves to Ruins 4
Searches on Peer Table(6,1). Finds nothing.
Nothing arrives.

The WHITE KNIGHT, at Bad Valley 1
H / M-CL4 / M-CL4 / M-CL6 / M-CL6
Fails to hide(6,3).
Moves to Cliff 6
Reveals Bones M, Lost Castle (Slither 6, Roar 6, Patter 5, Roar 4, Lair 3)
Nothing arrives.

Preston, the PILGRIM, at Bad Valley 1
H / M-CL4 / M-CL4 / M-CL6 / M-CL6
Hides(5,5). Pilgrims and followers hide.
Moves to Cliff 6
Nothing arrives.

Tim, the SORCEROR, at Ledges 4
TR / M-OW2* (workhorse) / M-OW5 / SPX* / SP / R / R
Sells Black Book to Crone for special price of 50 gold.
Moves to Small Campfire in Oak Woods 5
Enchants Magic IV4* to Purple magic.
Rests Magic IV4*
Rests Magic VI6*
Nothing arrives

Balin, the DWARF, at Deep Woods 5
S / S
Searches on Locate Table(3,2)=Passages. No secret passages in clearing.
Searches on Locate Table(4,2)=Discover chits. Discovers the Cairns.
Nothing arrives.

Faramir, the CAPTAIN, at Deep Woods 5
S / S / S / S / S
Receives location of Cairns from the Dwarf
Loots the Cairns(5,2). Takes 5th treasure in Cairns. Fatigues ?.
Loots the Cairns(2,1). Takes 2th treasure in Cairns. Fatigues ?.
Loots the Cairns(5,3). Takes 5th treasure in Cairns. Fatigues ?.
Loots the Cairns(3,1). Takes 3th treasure in Cairns. Fatigues ?.
Loots the Cairns(4,1). Takes nothing. Fatigues ?.
Nothing arrives.

Raq'nyvarkryn, the WITCH KING, in midair between the Ledges and Ruins tiles
FL-RU / FL-NW / FL-CL / H / R / R
Flies into Ruins. Lands at random in clearing 6. (Cave clearing.)
Uses Black magic from enchanted Magic V3* to to activate Absorb Essence and transmorphize into the Winged Demon. Magic V3* chit fatigues.
Flies into Nut Woods.
Since cannot execute more than two phases on turn when cave is entered, turn ends after second phase.
Witch King lands at random in clearing 5 of Oak Woods.
Nothing arrives.

GHQ, the hired HQ, at Deep Woods 5
S / S / S / S
Receives location of Cairns from Dwarf.
Loots the Cairns(3,3). Takes 3rd treasure in Cairns.
Loots the Cairns(6,5). Takes nothing.
Loots the Cairns(5,5). Takes nothing.
Loots the Cairns(1,1). Takes top treasure in Cairns.
Loots the Cairns(6,1). Takes nothing.
Nothing arrives.


Deep Woods 5
Dwarf, Wizard, Captain, and Guard are all unhidden.

Ruins 4
Black Knight and Berserker are unhidden.

Cliff 6
White Knight and O2 are unhidden. Pilgrim, O1, and O3 are unhidden.

Oak Woods 5 (Small Campfire)
Sorceror is unhidden.

Nut Woods 5
Swordsman, R2, and R3 are unhidden. Witch King is unhidden and transmorphized into Flying Demon.



Nut Woods 5
Swordsman and his two Rogue hirelings, R2 and R3, are unhidden in the clearing with the unhidden Witch King, who has dropped out of the sky transmorphized into a Flying Demon.

Round 1

1. Encounter Step (Swordsman goes first on each activity since he was the first character of the day.)
a. Luring: none
b. Random Assignment: none
c. Deployment/Charging:
Swordsman deploys R2(T*3/5 side up) and R3(M*5/3 side up) against Witch King/Flying Demon
d. Actions:
Swordsman plays Move L2** to run away towards RU1.
Witch King uses Flying Demon's Fly 3 to fly away toward Awful Valley.

2. Melee Step: none

3. Fatigue Step: Swordsman fatigues Move L3*

Combat ends in clearing.

Deep Woods 5

At end of combat, Captain receives two treasures from GHQ and activates Handy Gloves.



The Witch King's "Absorb Essence" spell falls inert and the Witch King finds himself in midair without wings again.
Natives O3, R4, R5, R6, and R7 become unhired.

The weather for Week 3 is Rain(4,4). Six days per week with two basic and two sunlight phases per day. Day 15 is skipped. R2 and the Guard become unhired.

Day 16 Daylight orders due Monday, August 23, 5pm EDT.

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Tile Reference
Blank Setup Card
Evening Flowcharts
3rd Edition Rules
Least You Need to Know
Magic Primer

Hireling Hired By Through
Day 16
White Knight
Day 24
Day 24
Day 28

Afflicted with
"Ill Health "

Spell in Effect
Witch King
Witch King
"World Fades"
Witch King
"Absorb Essence "
"Wish for Strength"

The Adventurers
Players Character F N

Team 1:
Michael Mesich
Julius Lee Watts

Gondaff, the WIZARD
Team 2:
Kisa Griffin
Daniel W. Farrow
Raq'nyvarkryn, the WITCH KING
15 15
Team 3:
Bill Koens
Ken Hullett
Tiago Espadafiada, the SWORDSMAN
16 25
Team 4:
Søren Busch-Knudsen
Brian Fiscus
Faramir, the CAPTAIN
11 10
Team 5:
Deric Page
Mike van Schijndel
Sir Duncan the Tall, the WHITE KNIGHT
3 7
Team 6:
Ron Larose
David Szum
Preston the PILGRIM
8 20
Team 7:
Michael O'Connell
Jordi Morera
Team 8:
Tim Stevens
Tim Heinz
Balin, the DWARF
4 4
Team 9:
Mark Wrynn
Lee Fisher
Rungnir, the BERSERKER
4 8
Team 10:
Craig Perras
Christopher Clark

Season is SPRING
Sprouts and blossoms bloom in milder weather...

Mountains: 2 phases to enter
7th Day: GOLD magic
FOOD to INN (Guardhouse)
Reward: 2 GOLD per clearing

Week Threee Weather is RAIN
6 Days this Week
• 2 Basic Phases
• 2 Sunlight Phases

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